Nord Finance successful Post TGE community updates and future highlights

Nord Finance
3 min readJan 13, 2021


After the recent successful closure of our fastest public token sale, things have been quite fascinating as we are prepping up the running ground for future developments. As we dive into the next phase of product development and fuelling operations, we would like to express our gratitude to the Nord Vikings for their immense support during the crucial public sale phase. With the things shaping at Nord Finance presently, we believe that there are major milestones to hit, and our community’s support is an indispensable part of the entire process. The successful IDO and token sale is a huge representation of the community’s success in driving a step closer to the decentralized future. The booming Nord community has accelerated the growth to what we have accomplished today. With the kind of momentum that Nord Vikings have blazed in the crypto sphere, it seems like we have levelled up the playing ground for future innovators.

We are overwhelmed to inform you that Nord finance has surpassed previous records as the $NORD IDO reigned in less than 90 seconds. With a Public sale cap of $0.09M, Nord Finance has exceeded the expectations from close-knit community support and significant efforts. The listing of $NORD Finance on Polka Starter and Uniswap allowed the community to participate in the IDO actively. Therefore, we assure you that no new token will resort to stumble the market, coming forth with a successful conclusion.

A significant part of our successful public token sale efforts also witnessed the listing of leading cryptocurrency data aggregator platforms such as CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko. The community’s immense support promoted Nord Finance as #1 trending on the leading cryptocurrency data aggregator CoinMarketCap.

It’s been possible all because of you #NordVikings

Future Highlights: What’s coming next at Nord Finance

What we have accomplished now is a small puddle of the ocean we aim to amass. At present, Nord Finance is proud to advocate that it has sliced through the initial milestones set to innovate the DeFi space. We are striving to secure valuable listings at several notable CEXs & DEXs to make $NORD accessible with adequate liquidity with this overwhelming success. This to ease out the seamless trading experience for our users and community as a whole. We are happy to disclose that we have kickstarted the listing processes on CEXs such as, Bilaxy and Hoo Exchange. Moving forth, there are more exciting listings to follow.

On the technological front, the Nord Savings V1 Launch is under the security audit process with the leading Blockchain Security and Audit firm Zokyo. By amalgamating synergies with Zokyo, Nord Finance aims to reinforce the importance of security and protection in a dynamic decentralized landscape, a prey to malicious entities. The Nord Savings V1 launch will facilitate staking programs and liquidity mining programs for platform users. The platform will allow employing multi-chain yield farming strategies for stable-coin investments, providing an opportunity to maximize risk-adjusted returns. Nord Saving’s intuitive interface will allow seamless access to the world of decentralized yield farming without any technical implications.

We are thrilled to envision our imagination to reality. This is just the beginning, there’s a lot to conquer and contribute. In case you want to accelerate the DeFi momentum just like us, support us in our journey to revolutionize open finance.

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