Nord Finance forms strategic partnership with leading blockchain security and engineering firm Zokyo

Nord Finance
3 min readJan 8, 2021


The Nord Finance team is always on a hunt to join forces that could bring out the best in the decentralized space. Today we undertake a crucial strategic partnership with Zokyo’s Blockchain Security team, a well respected and well renown team of white-hat hackers, cryptographers, security researchers, and blockchain engineers. Forging ahead, Nord Finance will have its entire product portfolio audited by Zokyo in a long term strategic security move. A partnership with Zokyo reinforces our security posture in the decentralized finance space.

Leveling up our cybersecurity game

Nord Savings V1 is due for release in Q1 2021 , Zokyo team is working closely with Nord Finance to complete a comprehensive security audit in order to prepare for our product launch which will include stablecoin liquidy mining and yield farming strategies. This partnership with Zokyo will not be limited to Nord Savings infrastructure, but will also extend to all Nord Finance ecosystem products in order to solidify the security of the core technology stack. Zokyo will dedicate an experienced security team to conduct offensive security services in tandem with the Nord Finance engineering team. Providing industry-acclaimed security evaluations, code audits risk management mechanisms for Nord Savings, Zokyo’s security team leverages malicious entities’ mentality to reduce risk exposure for projects. With the DeFi industry prey to malicious threats, an additional layer of protection is one of the prerequisites for projects to soar in the DeFi landscape. Zokyo blazes the trail by delivering immense value by relinquishing exposure to potential code exploitability.

About Nord Finance :

Nord Finance, a blockchain agnostic platform, is an advanced decentralized financial ecosystem focusing on simplifying decentralized finance products for users by highlighting traditional finance’s key attributes. Deployed on the Ethereum Network, it integrates multi-chain interoperability, thus proposing a plethora of financial primitives, which constitute savings, advisory, loans against assets, investment/funds management, and swaps.

At Nord Finance, we are building a one-stop advanced decentralized financial ecosystem to serve the rising needs targeting novice users and professionals to meet their financial goals.

About Zokyo :

Zokyo builds, secures, and incubates blockchain solutions for startups and enterprises worldwide. Zokyo’s Blockchain Security team has helped secure, and deploy blockchain solutions that manage over $5 billion dollars worth of digital assets. Their security team leverages a real­ world attacker mentality to reduce risk and fortify code.

Zokyo’s combined knowledge, expertise, and presence in blockchain position them to help businesses identify, mitigate and guard against the risks they, and the community, face in the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity. Notable recent clients include Yearn Finance, Shyft Network, Badger DAO, Bondly, Yield App, and Bridge Mutual.

Endorsed by industry leaders, Zokyo is a trusted security and development partner to both early stage startups and the Fortune 500.

Headquartered in Las Vegas, NV, with development centre in Ukraine and India, Zokyo travels the globe to connect, share, learn, and grow.

Amarnath Reddy, CEO & Co-founder at Nord Finance, said,

Our first and foremost priority is to build more secured and optimised protocol , looking at the recent incidents of different protocols we have been highly vigilant and proactive in choosing the right auditing firm to meet our goals. We are proud to say we choose Zokyo as our long term strategic partner to conduct all our security audits.

Hartej Sawhney, Principal at Zokyo, said,

I am excited to help Nord securely fill the global demand to simplify financial investments in the open finance ecosystem.

Conclusion: Importance of Security Audits to stakeholders

In the dynamic decentralized space, security emerges as an important character for sustainable growth and adoption. Since the inception of DeFi, there are innumerable tales about how malicious entities have exploited the numerous projects, draining millions in dollars. Though hacks are inevitable to the fledgling DeFi market, they can be evaded by employing security measures.

By directing strong enforcement on the security front, Nord Finance aims to establish itself as a standard of trust and care through Zokyo’s efficient security partnership. Thus transferring value to users and the community by making sure they are protected.

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