Announcing $NORD Pancake LP Rewards program
1 min readMar 24, 2021
We are pleased to announce the $NORD/BUSD LP rewards program on Pancake starting from March 25th 12:00PM UTC
- Users that provide liquidity to Pancake NORD/BUSD pair will earn $NORD token rewards via the that goes live March 25th 2021 12:00PM UTC.
- ~210K USD worth of $NORD tokens will be rewarded to NORD/BUSD Pancake LPs.
- Rewards program will run for 5 months.
- All the Liquidity providers will share the rewards proportionally and distributed at every block.
User guide to mint $NORD BEP2O with the Chain Swap Binance Smart Chain Bridge:
Guide to add liquidity on pancake swap:
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